How Do You Pack Easy Vape Whip
This is how you pack your dry herb vaporizer to get the most vapor and best performance. These tips go for most vapes, see my notes below.
Loading your vape properly has the following advantages:
– More vapor
– Stronger vapor
– Smoother vapor
– More smiles ;-)
The animation to the right shows me loading my PAX vaporizer. If you wanna get vapor like you see in my videos you have to do two very important things with vapes like this one…
GRIND FINE – With most vaporizers you get the best performance when you grind your herb pretty fine. If you can swing it, I recommend getting the Brilliant Cut grinder for the perfect consistency. If you're using a typical 4-piece metal grinder then what you can do is pack your herb in the lid and hold the grinder upside-down when you grind. This will mimic the action of a 2-piece grinder and get it a little finer than usual.
It can sometimes also help to dry your herb out a bit before trying to grind it up, it'll usually break up into smaller bits this way. The best herb consistency for each vape is usually found through trial and error.
Note: Not all vapes require a fine grind, but if you are having trouble getting good vapor this is the first thing I recommend you try.
PACK FAIRLY TIGHT – Equally as important, you need to pack the herb chamber full and fairly tight with most vapes. If your material is loose in the oven it won't be thoroughly and evenly heated, resulting in sub-par vapor production and a harsh taste. This goes hand in hand with grinding fine though, because if you pack tight with coarse material you could restrict airflow.
If you look at my animation closely I want you to notice how firmly I pack it down. I like to call it a "fairly tight" packing – you don't wanna press it down so hard that it blocks the air flow, but you don't want it too loose either. You want your herb to stay firmly in place without you touching it.
Important: Now there are some portable vaporizers that actually do perform best with a looser pack, with a great example being the Ghost MV1. The VapeXhale EVO and the Volcano are also good examples of convection-heating desktop vapes that perform best with a loosely packed bowl. When I say loose I mean packed full and then very lightly tamped to make the herb even, don't put any pressure on it.
Any vape considered "conduction" (like the PAX) will usually work best with a tight pack and fine grind, and vapes labeled "convection" (like the MV1) will usually work best with a looser pack and coarser grind. Be careful though, some companies like to throw the word convection around but aren't always 100% accurate.
My Top Picks: Best Portable Vaporizer for Dry Herb
Stay up!
The video below I made years ago and I talk about grinding fine and drying out your herb for best results:
Video transcription:
Hey, what's up? In this video I want to talk a little bit about how to get the best results from your vaporizer. It doesn't matter what vaporizer you have. These few tips I'm going to talk about now will get you more vapor that is less irritating.
One of the important things to know about vaporizing is that the material you put in needs to be drier than you probably think, and it needs to be ground up finer than you probably think.
You know, at first I didn't really understand it. I didn't understand why moisture in my herbs or material would make it not vaporize as well. If anything, I thought the opposite would be true. I thought it would help generate more vapor, but it's actually not true. You will get much better results, and you will get more vapor and tastier vapor, if your herbs or material are really dry. Also, moisture in your material will cause the vapor to be harsher than it really should be.
Now you don't need to buy any special products or anything to do this. This little method that I am going to show you here is a free, easy way to dry out your herbs more to get them ready for a good vaporizing session.
So what I do first is I take my Space Case grinder. All right, it doesn't matter what kind of grinder you have. Anything will work. So first what I do is I grind up my material in here. Now one quick tip I want to throw in is that if you are having issues with your grinder building up a lot of residue quickly, or it gets stuck really fast and it's a pain in the ass to grind it, it means that your herbs are too moist. Now vaporizers aside, basically every grinder that's out will grind your material better if it's drier.
So once I have my material ground up inside my grinder, this is what I do next. I take a piece of paper, and right now I'm just showing you a basic piece of printer paper because this is something that pretty much everybody will probably have in their house.
Now I just want to throw in a side note again and say that if you're really concerned with keeping everything organic or natural or whatever, or you're concerned with something or some chemicals from the paper getting into your material; you could obviously use a craft type of paper, like the brown paper or the type of stuff they use in the brown paper shopping bags, stuff like that, because those aren't bleached or whatever it is. I'm not sure exactly how they make paper. But regardless, for this video I'm just going to talk about using a plain piece of paper, which is what I usually use.
So if you take your ground up material right from your grinder and put it right in your vaporizer, it'll work. But if you really want optimal results, take the grinds from your grinder and actually just lay them out on the piece of paper. Then pick a safe spot to put it where nobody's going to disrupt it or anything, and just let it sit there for maybe 10 to 15 minutes. That's really all the time you need, because since the material is already ground up and then you're spreading it out over the paper, there's a much larger surface area for it to dry faster, as opposed to just laying out clumps of herbs or something and just waiting for them to dry.
Sometimes you'll have to do that if your material is really wet or moist, but usually this is all you'll have to do. This dry, almost crispy material is what will work best inside your vaporizer. Now using this method I can get away with just using my four piece Space Case with just about every vape I have, meaning that the grind consistency for here is fine enough to work well with most vapes.
However, if you have a vape, like the Launch Box, for instance, that one's a little more finicky and it requires really finely ground up herb to really work well. So if you try this method about drying out your material first and you're still having issues, like if you still don't feel like you're getting the best results, you can try an even finer grind also. So if that's the case, if I was going to use my Launch Box, I would do everything I just said. I would grind is in my Space Case. I would lay it out for a few minutes to dry even more.
Then I would take those grinds, and I would regrind them again in something like one of these. This is the Nano Grinder, made by Magic Flight. This is their new wooden grinder. These are both really tiny, and what these are designed to do, obviously, is to grind your material to basically the finest consistency you can get. I'm going to talk more about these and show you more about them in a separate video, but I just wanted to mention that they are a good option if you find that the grind consistency from your normal grinder is not fine enough.
So in conclusion, if you want to get the best results from your vape or you're having issues getting good vapor now, dry it out and grind it up really fine, and you should be aces. I think Lloyd Banks said it best:
"You won't believe what I'm swimming in. I smoke my Dro fresh outta the grinder, and it looks like a cinnamon."
I get a lot of different comments from people, and anytime someone has a complaint about their vape not working very well, I'd say that 90% of the time if they dry out their material or they grind it to a finer consistency, they'll get better results. Now don't get me wrong, some vapes just aren't good, but with the vast majority of them, these little tips will work really well.
To see all my reviews and ratings, check out my website,, and thanks for watching.
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